Principal's Desk

“Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our students. what better books can there be than the book of humanity.”
It gives me immense pleasure to pen this message for the five- onsecutive year. Schools upgradation to senior secondary level has been the highlight of the academic year. The school began with humble beginnings in 2015 and over the last few years has witnessed huge upgrades in infrastructure, facilities and aesthetics. We are building our school around the theme “Every Child is a flower, makes this world a beautiful Garden”. Adequate attention is given to the strengths of every child with an opportunity to grow in that particular direction. We
are paying great emphasis on environmental education which shall contribute to the overall objective of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
Our school magazine is a testimony of our activities, focus areas and student literary inclinations. I congratulate and appreciate the editorial team of our school for developing School Magazine every year. I take this opportunity to earnestly thank the Management, Parents and all Stakeholders for their continued support in all of our endeavors. May our students march forward towards being awakened, worthy and responsible global citizens.

                                                                                                     Apurva Satyam